Book a Water Audit

Make sure your business is on the right track with one of our clever water audits

All businesses are different. That’s why we offer a range of water audits to help you better understand your water usage and make sure you’re minimising costs. It’s a quick and convenient way to get peace of mind – or to pick up on any complications and get them fixed.

How it works

We have a range of audit options to suit different types of businesses. Depending on your site, we might use water benchmarking techniques, or fit automated meters for a trial period. We can also ensure you’re on the right tariff with our tariff review and give you the expert advice to guide you through any transitions.

Our four audits, ranging from the most simple to complex are:

Aqua Audit Basic

This is a desktop exercise that includes benchmarking and tariff optimisation - perfect for a SME with multiple sites.

If you have trade effluent we’ll review your consents and discharge levels. This audit doesn’t include a site visit, but it will provide you with a short report on the outcomes of your water management system. We will also include suggested next steps and high level industry average paybacks to help your business prioritise key areas for improvements.

If you have trade effluent we’ll review your consents and discharge levels. This audit doesn’t include a site visit, but it will provide you with a short report on the outcomes of your water management system. We would also include suggested next steps and high level industry average paybacks to help your business prioritise key areas for improvements.

Aqua Audit Essentials

We review your bills, and then select a couple of areas to target at our half day site visit.

This audit will provide you with a short report produced with site specific priorities for developing your water management plan.

Aqua Audit Total

This is a detailed water audit where we complete a water in/water out survey reviewing your entire site for any savings opportunities.

This audit will provide you with a detailed report on your business’ water management performance. Plus, it identifies where the top 80% of savings can be made by your business, including costs and a return on investment (ROI) should you wish to make improvements to your water management system.

Aqua Audit Total Plus

This is our most comprehensive water audit, which includes all of our water audits above.

Plus, it will also provide you with a detailed business case to enable you to make improvements to your water management systems and it provides access to our innovation fund.

If you have only one site, you can start off with our first step – our water benchmark calculator – to see how you measure up within your sector.

We worked intensively with Devro over several months to devise a long-term treatment system
Devro Case Study