Proactively managing trade effluent risk
Tell us about your trade effluent sites
We’ll include any trade effluent (TE) sites you may have in your Site List. Please check this data to ensure all sites are captured. We’ll review your TE data at least annually and our TE experts will support your Account Manager in responding to your queries or requirements.
Ensure you only pay what you need to
When you join us, our TE experts will review your existing consents to ensure all of your TE processes are accounted for, and that you’re only paying what you need to. We’ll identify whether you can reduce the volume and strength of your TE to reduce the levels of consent required, in turn saving you money.
We’ll analyse your historical TE waste for each site to flag potential issues and provide forecasting to help you with future budgeting. As Scottish Water’s annual TE charges are set from 1 April, we’ll validate your sample results against these charges, challenging the wholesaler where necessary.
We’ll provide a free, easy-to-use Trade Effluent calculator on My Business Stream to illustrate how TE charges are calculated and applied to billing.
Receive consent limit alerts
Under the Framework, if you’ve breached your consents, Scottish Water will contact you directly to let you know.
If you need support in relation to this, please get in touch with your Account Manager who will be happy to help.