Managing your account online
We’ve invested in our systems to ensure we can offer you tools that will make managing your business water services effortless.
My Business Stream (MyBS)
Our online account management portal gives you a convenient control centre for all of your accounts. Completely paperless, it offers secure, instant access to your portfolio details, meter readings and bills. With MyBS, you can:
Upload meter readings
View and download ebills
View your portfolio and individual sites at a glance
Process site changes
Access from any laptop, PC or mobile device
Log queries and request support
Access your Daily Dashboard - a 360-degree view of all aspects of your account
View your trade effluent charge information
Check out our help topics and videos
Access and download Site Lists
Track your live cases.
Coming soon to My Business Stream:
These updates will be launched on My Business Stream from 1 April 2024 onwards and we’ll keep you updated on progress. If you join the framework after 1 April 2024, your Account Manager will keep you updated on progress.
Accessing My Business Stream
If you’re brand new to the Framework or, following a review of your site list, you have any sites which need to be transferred to us, we’ll set you up on My Business Stream and send login details to your primary contact as detailed on your Options Form. If you need additional logins, please contact your Case Owner who can arrange this for you.
Support for My Business Stream
You can view our useful ‘how to’ videos, which help you to navigate around the portal, in the Useful Resources Library. You can also view and download the My Business Stream User Guide(s).
My Business Stream webinars
My Business Stream is designed to be easy to use but we know that sometimes it’s useful to have someone walk you through the functionality. With that in mind, from April 2024, we’ll schedule further webinars on a number of useful topics including My Business Stream. We’ll issue an email invite for the webinars to the primary contact provided on your Options Form, nearer the time.
Please note, if you’re joining the Framework after 1 April 2024, you can access a recording of our webinars in the Useful Resources Library.
Detailed Management Information (MI) and reporting
Online interactive reports offer you visibility of your water consumption, costs and carbon emissions. All of your reports will be accessed on your My Business Stream account and you’ll soon have a 360° view of every aspect of your account including access to a suite of interactive reports. Your Account Manager will proactively review these reports and manage your portfolio.
Reporting includes:
- consumption information
- consumption forecasting
- high consumption alerts
- costs to date
- cost forecasting
- notifications of planned and unplanned works
- carbon emissions
- benchmarking of consumption data to identify any anomalies
- our Intelligent Water Management interactive dashboards
- trade effluent data.
Reporting formats
All reports are available in an interactive format, with PDF, CSV and XLS download options. If you need an update to any of the standard reports listed, please let us know. If you have any additional data or reporting requirements, either complete the request form on My Business Stream or contact your Account Manager. We’ll usually provide bespoke reports within five business days. We may need a little longer for complex requests – in which case, we’ll let you know the timescales.
MI and reporting webinars
From April 2024, we’ll schedule further webinars on a number of useful topics including MI and reporting to help you understand what is available to you. We’ll issue an email invite for the webinar to the primary contact provided on your Options Form, nearer the time. Please note, if you’re joining the framework after 1 April 2024, you can access a recording of our webinars in the Useful Resources Library. If you have any questions or need any support in the meantime, please get in touch with your Account Manager directly.