Moray Council
Business Stream’s customer service helps to save local authority over £2,000.
29 September 2021 Reading time: 3 minutes

I’m so pleased to have the same person to deal with my queries. It’s especially helpful to have a monthly catch up to help keep on top of our queries. This is something our other utilities don’t offer and I wish they did.
Moray Council is one of 32 local government councils in Scotland and has over 270 sites with Business Stream, which includes schools, libraries, depots and community centres.
With a large infrastructure and property portfolio, the council relies on Business Stream to deliver a personal account management service and expert advice. On this occasion, this support helped to save the Council over £2,000.
The benefits of a dedicated account management service
As part of the service Business Stream provides, the Council has a dedicated account management team, which includes an Account Manager, a case worker for their day to day queries and a bespoke mailbox, which is used for submitting any billing or metering queries.
Any enquiries received from the Council are automatically assigned to the case worker to investigate and resolve. In addition to this, the case worker and the customer have monthly calls to discuss the status of any open queries and all ongoing actions.
It was during one of these calls that the team discussed a leak at their Depot, based in Elgin. The customer assumed it was too late to apply for a burst allowance as some time had passed since the leak had been repaired. However, eager to help the Council with this issue, the case worker quickly collated the necessary information and submitted the application to Scottish Water.
As a result, the Council received a burst allowance credit of just over £2,000. If it was not for the regular contact between Business Stream and Moray Council, this opportunity could have been missed.
It’s always great to hear positive feedback from our customers. Having a dedicated case owner to handle queries means they can oversee any issue, no matter how big or small, through to resolution
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