
Maybe you don’t understand your bill, you have a question about it, or want to make a change. This is where you’ll find the answer.

Understand your bill

If you're having trouble understanding your bill, take a look at our easy bill explainer.

Get started

Register for eBilling

Paperless billing is easy and convenient with My Business Stream. It's a great choice for the planet too.

Register now

Check your account balance

It's easy to check your account balance any time you like with My Business Stream, but if you're not registered, we can help.

Check here

Request a copy of your bill

Grab a copy of your bill 24/7 with My Business Stream, or get in touch here and we'll be happy to help.

Request here

Credit on your account

Find out what you can do if you have a credit balance on your account.

Find out more

Challenge an estimated bill

If you think your estimated bill isn't accurate, there are a few steps to take so we can be sure.

Get started

Vacant property billing

The industry’s rules on billing vacant properties varies, depending on whether you’re in England or Scotland. Read on to learn more.

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Landlord billing issues

Here's what to do if you think you’re being incorrectly billed for your water or waste water by both us and your landlord,

Learn more