Wholesale price increases in England for 2025/26

This page provides more information on the wholesale price increases for non-household customers in England which will apply for 2025/26. We’ll be in touch with all of our customers between January and March 2025 to confirm the price increases in your area.

We recognise that wholesale increases for 2025/26 are significantly higher in some regions. If you have concerns about making payments, we’re here to help. Visit our Customer Support page to get in touch and view a range of support options.

Important information

In England, the annual wholesale price increases for water and waste water charges, which will come into effect from 1 April 2025, are based on Ofwat’s recently published price controls for the next five year period (PR24) and the regional wholesalers’ charges for 2025/26. 

In December 2024, Ofwat published their final determinations of charges for each wholesaler region in England. The determinations included provision for £104billion of investment to support the delivery of better outcomes for customers and the environment, including improved service, reduced pollution and improved resilience to climate change and population growth. As a result, price increases are significantly higher over this price control period in comparison to previous years, with an average price increase of 42% before inflation over the period from 2025-30.

We have raised concerns with Ofwat about the scale of the increases and the impact this will have on affordability for our customers. In response, we have been assured that the scale of charge increases has been robustly challenged and that the increases have been phased to minimise the overall impact on customer charges over the five-year period.  We are continuing dialogue with some wholesalers on support measures to help lessen the impact for customers.

To view a copy of Ofwat’s final determinations, click here

What does this mean for you and your business?

Following Ofwat's determinations, the water wholesalers in England published their 2025/26 wholesale charges for business customers in mid-January 2025. In many regions the charge increases for next year are exceptionally high.  

Wholesale charges at-a-glance

The wholesale charge in each region is the same for all water retailers and is determined by the wholesaler, i.e. the regional water company. The revenue from these charges is used to manage and maintain the water and sewerage infrastructure used to supply your services. In England, these wholesale charges are capped in line with Ofwat’s price controls.  

You can view the wholesale charge percentage increase for your region, split by measured and unmeasured, in the tables linked below on this page. You can also view the price increase document for your area by clicking the relevant link provided.  

Retail charges

The retail charge is a small uplift which is added to the wholesale charge to cover the services we provide, like billing, meter reading, account management and customer support.

We’ll provide you with all of the information you need about your wholesale and retail charges when we write to you between January and March 2025.

Price Review 2024 article 

To help you understand more about the wholesale price increases, we’ve recently published an article which you may find helpful to read. Please click the button below. 

Read the article 

We’re here to help

We recognise that the wholesale price increases in some regions are exceptionally high and that these increases come at a time when many businesses are already facing increased cost pressures. We’re committed to doing everything we can to minimise the impact on our customers. 

Please visit our Customer Support page to view a range of support options we can offer you. Alternatively, if you would like to speak to us, please get in touch with your dedicated Account Manager if you have one, or contact us here  and one of our friendly advisers will be happy to help. 

More useful information

Click on the button below to find more useful information.


Your wholesale price increases for 2025/26

Click on the buttons below to find the percentage increases for 2025/26 measured and unmeasured wholesale prices in England. 

Measured customers    Unmeasured customers